10 Top Tips For Dry Skin

It is a condition in which the skin is unable to retain its moisture or is having low levels of sebum production. It could be natural or due to different environmental factors.

Beauty tips for dry skin:

Dry skin can be a troublesome, especially in winters!!! However, it could be one of the reasons apart from the others like hereditary, excessive medication and excessive exposure to pollution.

No individual would prefer to keep themselves in a state where the skin is dry and feeling stretchy. So what do you think you can do?

Fret not! Here are a few great and natural dry skin care tips that will help you relieve your parched to thus offer you soft, shiny and hydrated skin.

1. Bath Time Rules:

Ensure each day that the time taken for shower is short. Along with this, make sure to shower with warm water as too much hot water on the skin can dry the natural oils, thus drying the skin instantly. It would be suggestible to use soaps and face washes that are gentle as they would help reduce the risk of moisture stripping.

2. After Shower care:

After shower, never rub yourself with a towel to dry, instead pat dry the excess water. This will help you keep your skin soft and supple, helping you cut the risk of skin irritation. As soon as you’re out of the bath, make sure to moisturize! Moisturizer doesn’t add moisture to your skin, however it helps your skin retain the water already present in it. So after bath time is the best time for lotion!

3. The Best Moisture Recipe:

Make sure the moisturizing lotion you use has dry skin friendly ingredients such as dimethicone, which is a silicone that keeps moisture trapped. Hyaluronic acid, mineral oil, as well as petroleum jelly are all claimed to be skin friendly ingredients.

4. Anti-Aging no-no:

Anti-Aging products are a strict no for the dry skin. However, if you are using any, make sure that they are free of  retinoid or AHAs, as these ingredients are considered to be very irritating for the dry skin.

5. Try Fish Oil Pills:

To nourish the skin thoroughly, taking healthy necessary foods and supplements is important. Some oils also work best when taken internally.  Studies show fish oils such as Cod liver oil can help in soothing the dry skin, mainly owing to its omega 3 acids.

6. Treat you Hands and Feet:

Use gloves and socks in winter season to protect your hands and feet from drying. Make sure to moisturize your hands and feet with scrubs and moisturizers designed specifically for dry skin.

7. Don’t Forget your Lips:

Lips are especially prone to chapping, so use a lip scrub to exfoliate and nourish your lips. Even a homemade lip scrub with sugar and lemon is good. Use a good heavy duty lip balm and apply every few hours! Make sure you protect your lips from dust, pollution and the heavy winter winds. They are the most common reasons that leave the lips high and dry.

8. Exfoliate:

Scrub your skin good at least twice a week, if you have sensitive skin then once a week. But get that dead skin off your face. However, make sure to use products that would suit your dry skin along with ensuring that the product is of a high brand quality.

9. Use a Good Sunscreen:

Since dry skin is already prone to wrinkles and aging, the sun can cause more damage. So, having a good sunscreen or sun block on can help your skin look younger. It also is very important to know the right SPF required for your skin tone and type. Seek dermatologist recommendations before using any sunscreen product,

10. See a Dermatologist:

If you try everything and still have extremely dry skin, see a doctor, you may have a problem like eczema and may need medication for it.

Homemade Beauty Tips for Dry Skin care:

1. Mix aloe vera pulp with one spoon whisked cream or homemade curd and one spoon honey. Mix these ingredients thoroughly and apply it on the face for 10 to 15 minutes. Later rinse it off with clean water.
2. Scrub a tablespoon of papaya pulp and apply it on your dry facial skin for sometime. Then rinse it off with normal water.
Regular skin care will help you achieve soft, supple and shiny skin, thus helping you reduce the risk of fine lines, wrinkles, crows feet and rashes.

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