12 Wonderful Vegetables For Hair Growth

Vegetables are our best friends when we are trying to lose some pounds, right? What with the dieting and all! These humbles veggies are also great for our hair. These fruits and vegetables for hair growth contain vitamins, fibres and minerals which are known to help with hair growth and maintaining the texture and smoothness.
Here I’ll list down some pointers to keep your hair healthy and happy. Before that, like always, here are some things to know before you start with the tips
  1. Clean, damp hair absorbs nutrients better than dry, dirty hair. It might look like a cumbersome task to wash your hair, put on a pack and then wash it again, but its totally worth it. There is a reason why salons give you a hair wash before and treatment and styling.
  2. Using warm water opens up your hair and scalp pores while cold water closes them. So use warm water before application and cold water post application.
  3. Avoid using hot water on your hair as it drains hair of its natural oils and lessens the elasticity.
  4. Some vegetables leave a weird smell, so follow up with your favorite conditioner to mask the smell.
  5. Any mask needs ample time to penetrate into your hair. Leave on the mask for atleast 30 minutes to see effects.
  6. Also, do not over leave it. When the mask starts drying, it might draw water from hair and counter act the results.

Vegetables for Hair Growth:

Now let’s see some of the most beneficial vegetables that can be included to your list of best tips for hair growth.

1. Spinach:


Amongst those vegetables that are considered nutritious for your hair, spinach tops the list. Full of edible fiber, spinach is a rich source of iron and zinc in addition to other essential vitamins and minerals. These two particular minerals are highly necessary for the hair, as the absence of zinc and iron often leads to hair loss in many people.

2. Carrots:


Carrots are the second best vegetable for hair growth. Carrots are a rich store of Vitamin B7 or Biotin that is considered a healthy tonic for the hair. Biotin is essential for hair re-growth. At the same time, it helps to strengthen the hair roots so that hair does not fall out easily
Boil some carrots and blend them. Don’t throw the water you boiled them in, use the same to grind and blend them. Apply the paste to your hair and leave on for 30 minutes. Wash it away. This mask helps reduce hair fall and also promotes hair growth.


3. Onions:


Onions are also a helpful nutrient for the hair. It is an affluent source of zinc, iron and Biotin, all of which are needful for hair growth. In addition to hair growth, onion is a wonderful vegetable that helps in preventing the premature graying of hair.

4. Sweet Potatoes:

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene. Our body transforms beta-carotene into Vitamin A. Beta-carotene is required for cell repair within the body. Sweet potatoes fulfill the dearth of Vitamin A to a large extent.

5. Tomatoes:


Tomatoes are rich sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants are also effective cell-repairing agents. They help to remove impurities and toxins from the surface of the scalp. One can either consume tomatoes directly or apply the tomato pulp on the scalp for better results. Tomatoes help to improve the shine and luster of the hair.

6. Garlic:

Although having a pungent smell, garlic is an ideal tonic for the hair. It is good to add this to your regular diet chart, as it contains very few calories. In addition, garlic contains a very high sulfur content, which is considered best for hair re-growth.

7. Beetroots:


Having a red-colored vegetable increases your lycopene, which is known to increase hair growth rate. Beetroots contain lycopene that helps to stimulate hair growth. In addition to beetroots, most of the reddish vegetables are good for the hair, as they might contain the same nutrient.

8. Curry Leaves:

Relatively less discussed, curry leaves are an excellent antidote for hair loss. Curry leaves contain keratin, which is considered an ideal tonic for hair growth and offers you lustrous hair.

9. French Beans:

French Beans

French beans are the richest source of Vitamins A and E. Vitamin E is highly needful for improving the luster and volume of hair. It also protects your hair from premature graying.

10. Green Chili:

Green Chili

Another rich store of keratin and Vitamin E, green chilies are excellent for fostering hair growth. It also helps to repair the damaged cells of the scalp in order to promote new hair follicles.
11. Orange veggies give you beta compounds which also help achieve healthy long hair. They reduce hair breakage and hair fall. Get your dose of beta carotene from oranges and yellow colored vegetables – bell peppers is a great source.
12. Cucumber is also known to achieve healthy hair.  Blend in some fresh cucumbers and apply the paste to your scalp and massage thoroughly. You might want to add some fenugreek powder as blend will be runny.

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