19 best way to lose weight in a month naturally

Losing weight is not some mysterious process that can only be done by actresses and celebrities! It is a gradual change that occurs over time with hard work, effort, patience and a whole lot of diligence.

I am sure there are many of us who are tired of seeing that extra flab on our body and are desperately looking for ways to banish fat permanently and get into shape. However, you must remember that nothing in life comes easy. It is very easy to look at those hot Victoria’s Secret models on television and envy their toned bodies, but it is way harder to achieve a shape like that! These ladies might have killing bodies but only they know how much they need to sacrifice to stay that attractive and beautiful.

But, if you are ready to make changes, start sacrificing things you love for things you would like to have in the future, then weight loss will be easy for you. Just by following the simple steps listed in this article, you will be able to shed those pounds in just one month and find yourself fitting into that pretty dress by the end of the year.

How To Lose Weight In A Month?

Some of these tips are easy to follow while others are a little more difficult. But each one helps you get in shape!

1. Accept:

The first and most important thing you have to do to lose weight in a month is to accept the fact that you have put on weight or have a few extra kilos in the first place. Maybe you are already over weight and now are facing problems at college or work place. Whatever the situation is, always know that things will begin to change only when you show signs of acceptance. So, start off by telling yourself that this is how much you weigh at the moment and there is a goal you have to reach by the end of the month. You don’t have to hate yourself for it. Whatever has happened in the past has happened. There is nothing you could do to change the past, but you can definitely change your lifestyle right at this point and change yourself for the rest of your life.

2. Set Realistic Goals:

The second thing you need to do is set goals that are realistic. I know there are a couple of crazy crash diets that assure you weight loss within a day’s time. That is just ridiculous. If a diet plan makes you lose 7 pounds within 7 days, it is not good for your health. In fact, it is temporary and might actually make you sick after a point of time. You need to have patience and set goals that make sense. 2-3 kgs a month seem to be a pretty simple goal that can be reached within time and show on your body too. Think that way before you prepare a final chart.

3. Try Cardio:

The third thing you need to incorporate in your daily schedule is cardio. Thirty minutes of exercise, five times a week should be enough for beginners. With time, you could go up to 40 minutes of exercise or even more. It all depends upon your comfort level. Please remember to stick to your exercise routine. Do not skip your exercise days. Always remember that when you are trying to lose weight, every calorie is going to count. You can start off with a two minute warm up and end with a couple of stretches. If you are confused about how you should go about the cardio workout routine, try and use some videos on YouTube. Pump it up and Cassie Ho’s exercise videos are fun and super effective. They will help you burn the calories and lose the weight within a couple of weeks for sure.

4. Strength Training:

Strength Training is something you cannot afford to miss out while exercising. Once you are done with cardio, spend ten minutes on strength training. Dumbbells would be a great option, but in case you don’t have them at home, try using heavy water bottles instead. Some women also like to sand bottles. That should help in making the working more effective. It will surely get you into shape and tone those arms, abs and buttocks.

5. Simply Walk:

Walking is not an alternative you could use instead of cardio. You should actually use a combination of walking and cardio to lose weight. Do you know how effective that is going to be for you? Walking for 45 minutes in the morning can burn up to 160 calories. If you can walk faster, it would surely help you much more. It will help in boosting metabolism and speed up the chances of weight loss. If you find walking a little boring, simply make a nice play list consisting of all your favorite party songs, download it on your ipod or phone and listen to it while you walk. That should surely make you look forward to exercising.

6. Climb Stairs:

According to several experts, people who climb stairs on a regular basis tend to lose weight quicker than those who don’t. If you could spend five minutes a day simply jogging up the stairs, you are surely going to burn a few extra calories. The best part about running up stairs is that it will elevate your heart rate and get you sweating in no time. You could repeat this five minute exercise thrice a day and see change in your body by the end of the month.

7. TV Workout:

Now, how many of you have actually heard of this? People say that working out while watching TV is a great way to keep yourself away from staying idle and lazy. Regardless of how much you are walking and exercising throughout the day, doing a couple of jumping jacks, squats and crunches during the commercial breaks are not going to do you any harm. In fact, it will burn all that you have eaten! This will definitely help you lose 3 kgs within a month time.

8. Eat Proteins:

Weight loss is always related to eating healthy. You cannot lose weight by eating unhealthy food. You have to change your eating habits and lifestyle if you want to see a change in your body. Start off by incorporating a whole lot of proteins in your diet. And by that I mean, fruits, vegetables, lentils, eggs and lean meat. Keep mangoes and banana out of the fruit section since they can be a little too fattening. You shouldn’t have more than one banana a day either. Don’t eat sweet potatoes or potatoes since they aren’t that great for your health either. Do not eat more than one egg a day and make sure you keep yourself away from pork and mutton. Beef and chicken are much healthier options comparatively. Lentils could also be a great addition to your meals.

9. No Unhealthy Food:

The next thing you need to do is get rid of bad/fried foods from your list. You should stay away from white foods, such as noodles, pasta, and white bread. You can replace this with brown bread or multi grain brain. Having wheat pasta once in a while is also good. Do not indulge in fried foods from KFC, Mc Donalds etc. Also stay away from street foods that are cooked in poor quality oil.

10. Say No To Sugar:

Another important thing you must do in order to lose weight is get rid of sugar. This is an absolute no-no! From cakes to muffins to biscuits and ice cream, they are all your enemies. These items are going to lower your metabolism and stop you from losing weight. Since they are full of calories, it will make you lethargic and bloated from within. Most researchers have also said that sweet dishes and items should be kept away from even during a cheat meal. As long as you are planning to lose weight, remember to keep sugar away from the diet chart!

11. Drink Green Tea:

According to experts, drinking green tea helps in losing weight. If you drink 3 to 4 cups of green tea a day, you will be able to boost your metabolism and shed those pounds quicker. It will also help you burn more calories while exercising. And you don’t even have to worry about the calories in this drink because it doesn’t have any. It is as safe as water and is super good for the health. Have a cup in the morning, another cup in the evening with your snack and finally after dinner.

12. Drink Water:

If you want to lose weight quickly within a month, then drink 2 liters of water every day. This will flush out all toxins from the body and keep you hydrated at all times. In fact, you should drink a small bottle of water every time you are going to eat. This will actually make you eat less. Drink a whole glass of water after the meal too. In that way, you are going to consume lesser and lesser number of calories and lose more and more weight eventually.

13. Balanced Meals:

Are you worried about what kind of meals you should have in order to lose weight within a month? Let me give you a couple of quick suggestions:
  • Breakfast: Women’s Kellogs with a cup of milk and a fruit/ a bowl of upma/ three idlis and sambhar, two egg white omelet with two slices of brown bread with herbal tea.
  • Lunch: Fruit salad with spinach and a bowl of dal/one chapatti, two pieces of chicken and vegetable curry/ bowl full of poha with boiled egg.
  • Dinner: Home-made chicken soup/Brown rice with chicken/ chapatti with vegetable and dal.
  • Snacks: Cream cracker biscuits/ plain dosa/utthapum.

14. Don’t Eat While Watching TV:

Try not to eat while watching the television. It makes you eat more than you actually think. In fact when you are eating, focus on it and eat slowly. Enjoy every morsel of the food. That will actually help you eat right and eat as much as you need to lose weight.

15. Cheat Once A Week:

There should be one time in a week when you should cheat. Try to keep it a Sunday. You could have something you enjoy eating the most. However, do make sure that you don’t over eat that or keep cheating throughout the day. One meal is always enough for that purpose.

16. Drink Coffee Before Workout:

One hour before you exercise, you could have a nice cup of warm coffee. Of course, it should be sugar free! People who have tried this tip have seen a whole lot of changes in their body within a month’s period of time.

17. Sleep A Little More:

One of the greatest secrets of weight loss is good sleep. If you sleep around 8 hours a day, you are surely going to increase the chances of shedding those extra pounds. This is because the body always becomes the best when it rests. If you get rest on a regular basis, weight loss shall be on your finger tips!

18. Don’t Follow Any Crash Diet:

Try not to follow any crash diet while trying to lose weight. Always remember that you need to be healthy and protect your body in the long run. If you can keep this in mind, you are surely going to reach those goals sooner than you thought.

19. Stay Consistent And Motivated:

The final and most important tip for weight loss is motivation and consistency. If you can manage to follow all the tips that are mentioned above and stay focused on your goals, then nobody can stop you from losing weight.
There are times when our weight gain is due to medical reasons. That is why it is important to rule out any underlying health issue before embarking on a weight loss journey. If your weight gain is due to thyroid malfunction, all these tips won’t really work until you take medication. So check with your doctor.
But for people who are overweight because of bad lifestyle choices, these tips will go a long way in not only helping one lose weight, but also to do so in a healthy way. Give them a try!
Are you overweight? What all have you tried to lose weight? Did any of it work? Share your experience with us in the comments section below.
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