4 Effective Homemade Cleansers For Oily Skin

Cleansing is the very first step of clearing and rejuvenating the skin. Our skin is damaged heavily due to regular exposure to sun and dirt. You would easily lose the natural luster of the skin if you are not careful enough to protect your skin from such pollutants.
Cleansing is therefore extremely important in order to maintain a healthy flawless skin. You would find a good number of cleansing products that claim to cleanse the skin generously. Nevertheless, harmful chemicals in some of these products may damage your skin instead of making it healthier.
A homemade cleanser is good idea because you can have the control over the ingredients. Besides, you will be able to create the right homemade face cleanser for oily skin. Homemade products are natural and have almost no side effects on skin. Here are some of the best natural homemade cleansers for oily skin.

Homemade Cleanser for Oily Skin – Amazing 4

1. Olive Oil:

Olive oil is the best type of homemade cleanser for oily skin. You may wonder how oil can be a perfect cleanser for oily skin. Well, experiments have shown that olive oil is quite effective to maintain the pH balance of the skin. It is extremely helpful to pull out the impurities from within the skin efficiently.
How to apply: Olive oil is a natural cleanser. First, clean your face with a soap-free face wash. Next, take a few drops of olive oil into your palm and massage the face gently. Leave the oil onto the face for five minutes and remove it later with a wet warm towel. Discover a radiant looking skin immediately after cleansing.

2. Milk:

Everyone is aware of the goodness of milk as a natural cleanser. Hardly any other ingredient is equally effective as raw milk. The effectiveness of raw milk as a cleansing agent doubles when the milk is cold.
How to apply: Mix a teaspoon full of orange peel powder into cold raw milk. Soak a piece of cotton into the milk and apply it all over the face. Massage the skin gently clockwise and then anti-clockwise for five minutes. Keep it for another five minutes to dry.  Rinse off the pack with luke warm water. You can store this orange peel mixed milk cleanser at fridge for a week and apply when required.

3. Honey and Lemon Cleanser:

Honey and lemon both are commonly available ingredients. The best part about this homemade cleanser is that you can store it for some days in refrigerator. For oily skin, the combination of honey and lemon is excellent. While the citric acid of lemon makes an ideal cleansing agent, honey works hard to remove all impurities from the skin.
How to make honey and lemon cleanser: Making honey-lemon cleanser at home is quite easy. You need to mix honey and lemon into 70:30 ratios. You can add a few drops of water as well to dilute the same. Pour the mixture into an airtight jar and keep it away from sunlight. Apply this mixture before going to sleep every night. The method of application is same like the olive oil cleanser.

4. Cucumber and Tomato Cleanser:

You may not have heard their benefits as cleanser, but cucumber and tomatoes are the best efficient cleansing agents available all around. You can pick up these two substances when you want something extra in addition to cleansing. Tomato is a nice ingredient for removing black circles and healing eye bags. On the other hand, cucumber is an excellent cooling agent that offers your face an extra freshness every time. They remove impurities from skin, and control the greasiness as well.
How to make: Make a paste of cucumber and tomato. Apply this paste on face and leave for fifteen minutes. Rinse off with plenty of water and enjoy the difference!
Try these simple, effective homemade facial cleansers for oily skin and you will surely notice unbelievable results in few weeks.

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