5 Essential Hair Fall Treatments

Has hair fall become a permanent part of your life? Don’t worry as you are not alone! This has become a common problem for many people around the world. It may be hereditary or caused due to a lifestyle habit. But despite the reasons, it is a serious problem and should be addressed carefully. Hair loss does not lead to any health problem but it does make one very conscious about her look. If you have started experiencing hair fall recently, then here are some ways to lessen it.

What is Hair Fall?

Every person loses a few strands of hair daily. It is a normal event. There is no problem if you lose 10 to 20 hair strands a day. Usually each hair strand has a life of 2-5 years after which it will automatically fall. But if there is excessive loss of fully grown as well as new hair, then it is a serious problem.

When Hair Fall becomes a Real Threat?

  • If daily hair loss is more than 100 hair stands (keep in mind that after shampooing it may increase to 250 hairs and it is normal)
  • If there are visible bald patches and hair is thinning
  • If new hair follicles are falling

What are the Causes of hair loss?

There are many causes for alopecia or hair loss.
  • Allergies, toxins, chemicals, burns, injuries and infections.
  • Also some medications like anabolic steroids can cause hair loss like those used in kidney failure, chemotherapy and radiation.
  • Even vitamin overdose may lead to hair fall, iron deficiency, anemia, thyroid, fever or pregnancy can cause hair loss.
  • Hair Fall can also result when one indulges in too much bleaching, dyeing, tight braiding, blow drying or using hot curlers.

Different Types of Hair Fall:

  • Pattern baldness: This is the common form of hair fall that occurs due to hereditary factors. If one has baldness in the family then she can suffer from this type of alopecia. The genetic factors determine the pattern of hair fall, it’s development, the speed at which the hairfall occurs and the extent of hair loss.
  • Alopecia areata: Another type of alopecia which is due to genetics
  • Scarripng alopecia: Sometimes the hair follicles are damaged due to excessive inflammation which creates scarring on the scalp itself. This creates bald patches and alopecia. These inflammations may be caused by several skin problems and diseases.
  • Telogen effluvium: When the body goes through a sudden change, the hair cycle stops or hair starts to fall. The reasons for the change may range from stress, a recent surgery, pregnancy, harsh medications, and fever, physical or mental stress.
  • Traction alopecia: Braids look good and are in vogue but too much braiding may cause hair fall. When hair is pulled back or braided tightly there is immense stress on the follicles. Regularly doing so causes hair to fall and thus results in alopecia.

Types of Hair Fall Treatment:

There are many types of hair fall as well as alopecia. Each type can be cured with the usage of different types of medications. These may be homemade remedies, Ayurvedic, homeopathy, allopathic, naturopathy as well as products from the market.

1. Homeopathy for Hair Loss  Treatment:

Homeopathy is a popular medicinal practice widely used to control and address hair fall problems. It has been accepted as a safe way to stop or at least control hair fall. According to the Dr. Batras website, there are around 45 million men and 20 million women in India who have been affected by hair fall problems. Also they report that there has been an increase in hair loss cases by 250 per cent in the last five years. Even those in the age group of 16-25 have been affected.
Homeopathy is used to treat the hair fall from the roots so that it is highly effective.
At Dr. Batra’s clinics homeopathy is used to treat hair loss. While treating the patients each individual is given medication taking into account the nature of the disease, the temperament , the sensitivities etc, So that the medication is the best for each person.
It has been found that Thuja occidentalis and Sabal serrulata have the power to be natural DHT inhibitors. This way, it controls and stops hair fall. It can also reverse hair fall in some cases. For best results, it is advised that one must personally consult a professional.

2. Naturopathy Treatment for Hair Loss:

Nature is a very potent source for nutrition. From the very first stage of life, we depend on nature for many things which are a necessity to survive. The most basic treatment as prescribed by naturopathy is vitamin supplements. Nutrients like vitamin B and iron help in hair growth. Also grape seed oil is a great way to treat hair fall. Some herbs are also seen as a great way to stimulate blood flow in the scalp. These are ginkgo biloba and bilberry extracts. Also it has been found that saw palmetto is a great for hair loss. Using a blend of rosemary oil and olive oil is also good for hair. This is one of the best treatment for hair loss ever to be followed. It takes some time to produce results but the effects are certainly more permanent than any other form of hair loss treatment.

3. Common Treatments for Hair Fall:

  • Rogaine (minoxidil):
This is a very popular hair treatment to stop hairfall. This is a FDA approved medication which can be attained even without a prescription. This is a renowned drug and comes in liquid form as well as foam form. The topical solution must be rubbed onto the scalp twice daily. This has been found to be the most effective way to treat androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata. This stops hair from falling and promotes hair growth.
This treatment for hair fall is effective for alopecia areata as well. Hair grows back in 12 months and stays as long as the medication is continued. The main problem of this medication is that the treatment has to be followed for long periods and whenever one stops, the results vanish.
  • Egg oil:
Egg is great for nutrition and should be a part of one’s daily diet. But it is also a great way for treatment for hair fall. In Japanese, Indian and Chinese traditional medicine, egg oil has been used for hair fall treatment since ancient times. Egg oil is great for the scalp as it nourishes the scalp and helps to promote hair growth. It reduces hair fall as well as helps to stop premature ageing.
It is also said to improve the hair texture and make hair thicker by reducing hair fall as well as reduce split ends and damage due to chemical colors used to dye hair. Today egg oil is easily available in many creams, lotions and in bottled state for usage. Regular usage helps to keep hair healthy and helps to control alopecia and hair fall.
  • Anthralin (dritho- scalp) :
This is an ointment to help control hairfall. It is applied to the scalp and then washed off after a certain amount of time. The application has to be done daily to see best results. This cream may take 6 to 12 months to show any significant results.
  • Aminomar C (viviscal):
Viviscal has patented this marine complex which is said to nourish hair follicle from within. Using aminomar c with supplements for 4-6 months has shown hair to become stronger and more vibrant. The treatment has also has shown significant signs of hair growth too. But there has been no proof as to how this works.
  • Corticosteroids:
This is a treatment for alopecia areata. The corticosteroid is injected into the scalp to stop hairfall. This method works quickly although if there is rapid hair loss. oral pills are also prescribed to tackle the hair loss. The results may take up to a month to be seen.
  • Hormonal Modulators:
Female pattern hair loss which may be the result of excessive malehormone secretion can be controlled with the use of oral contraceptives or antiandrogens. These help to reduce hair loss associated with hyperandrogenemia.

4. Surgical Options to Treat Alopecia:

  • Hair Transplant:
This is a surgical process that makes the scalp look fuller. In this process, a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon takes tiny plugs of skin containing hair, usually from the back or side of the scalp and implants into the hairless sections. The extent of baldness will decide how many sittings are necessary.
  • Scalp Reduction:
 This is a process where the area of the bald skin is decreased on the head. With time the skin on the head becomes stretchable and flexible enough so that small sections of this skin can be removed surgically. After the hairless portion of scalp is removed the space is closed with hair. This procedure takes time to show results. Scalp reduction method is usually used in combination with hair transplantation. This ensures a natural looking

5. Drugstore Products for Hair Loss:

  • Dove Hair Fall Treatment:
Dove has launched some effective products for hair loss. They have launched a special range consisting of shampoos, conditioners, serums, masks and specially formulated intensive roots treatment. These products are specially designed keeping in mind the needs of the women who have been suffering from hair fall.
The new revolutionary treatment from Dove; namely intensive roots treatment contains trichazole which is active with ginseng & soy protein. This has been a scientifically proven formulation designed to treat hair fall from the roots. Trichazole, which is a ground breaking, patented active ingredient reduces the activity of the proteolytic enzymes, and firmly anchors the hair in place. This provides freedom from hair fall. This targeted root action results in visible reduction of hair fall within two weeks.
  • Pantene Hair Fall Control:
Pantene has also launched it’s hair fall range comprising of shampoo and conditioners. Also there is a daily rinse off treatment in this range. The daily rinse off provides daily deep strengthening and replenishment for brittle, damaged hair. This has to be used along with the shampoo and conditioner.
  • VLCC Hair Fall Control Kit:
This is a very popular kit comprising of four products. The kit contains amino gel, amino protein oil, amino protein pack and amino protein cleanser. This kit has been found to be effective when used daily for a long time.
Hope this article will help solve your hair loss problems. Do consult a hair specialist for proper treatment. Also follow a good diet with regular intake of green vegetables and nutrients. Also make it a habit to exercise everyday. Yoga helps to keep your mind and body healthy.
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