7 Fruits That Help Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss is a nightmare for men and women alike. When you brush your long, luscious hair and see more than a few strands, it can be the beginning of sleepless nights. We are all taught the importance of fruits and vegetables since we are barely a few years old. In fact, one of the first things taught in pre-school are fruits and how they are good for our health! But how many of us pay heed to these lessons taught to us time and again, and actually consume a healthy diet? Just a handful! Consuming a fruit a day is sure to help reduce hair loss and also contribute to our better well being. Did you know applying these same fruits on to your scalp can also help reduce further hair fall?

Fruits For Hair Loss Prevention:

Here are a few fruits that are known to help with hair loss:

1. Banana:

Bananas are perhaps the cheapest fruits that you can lay your hands on. They also help treat myriad skin and hair problems. Mash up a banana and apply it as a pack on your hair. Though gooey, this pack will help treat scalp irritation and reduce hair fall considerably. If you want your hair to feel and look lustrous, try this today! This is the best fruit for hair loss prevention.

2. Lemon:

When one talks of skin or hair treatment, lemon finds its way in the conversation! This wonder fruit is an ingredient in most over-the-counter lotions, creams, face washes and shampoos.

3. Guava:

Guava is rich in Vitamin A and is known to promote hair growth. It also increases the functioning of the mucous membranes. Having dandruff can aggravate hair fall, but worry not, for guava also attacks the dandruff on your scalp. Make a mash out of guava, add honey and lemon to it, and apply this generously on your scalp. Within a few weeks you will see that the dandruff has abated and hair fall reduced.
4. Peaches and Strawberries:

What a combination! Who doesn’t love strawberries and peaches? I surely do! Strawberries are loaded with silica that is known to help prevent balding and also aid hair growth. The benefits of these fruits are so many, that one could write an ode to it. Buy them in plenty when you find them in the market, for this is a seasonal fruit and hard to get. Eat them with your salad and you are sure to see the results in just a few days.
Peaches are not far behind. Not only can they be eaten to reduce hair fall but they can also be made into a hair mask and applied on the hair. This hair mask helps cleanse your scalp, which in turn, reduces hair fall!

5. Berries and Cherries:

These fruits are a favourite of many; even kids relish eating these fruits that are rich in bioflavanoids, which naturally help reduce hair fall. This chemical increases the blood circulation in the scalp and keeps your mane thick and shiny.

6. Grapes:

If you have gone pillar to post looking for hair fall remedies, you are sure to have tried grape seed oil and found solace. Did you know that grapes too are equally effective in controlling hair loss? The little ovals of joy are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that do wonders to restore glory to your crown. Hair packs with grape seed help a lot. But also consume them with your meals, as they clean out your system of impurities which in turn promotes hair growth.

7. Apples:

We all know the adage that goes, ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’! Well if it didn’t help keep the doctor away, do not hesitate to try apples for your hair. This fruit has soluble fibre, vitamins and antioxidants that can do wonders for your hair. Make sure you do eat an apple a day for at least a few months if you need to see an improvement in the health of your hair.
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