Does Itchy Scalp Lead To Hair Loss?

A dry and itchy scalp is a common condition. This is exacerbated by skin conditions like psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Its impact on hair fall is both direct and indirect. While it would not be wrong to say that a dry scalp does lead to hair fall, the causes and effects must be understood carefully. In this article, we explain the connection between itchy scalp and hair loss.

Itchy Scalp Hair Loss: What is The Connection?

1. Dry skin can often lead to the development of micro inflammations. These lead to hair fall by making hair brittle and rough. Dry skin also leads to hair fall because itching and scratching leads to hair fall. These weaken the roots of the hair and cause damage which is irreparable.
2. All kinds of scalp infections and problems like dandruff, irritations, hair fall, and psoriasis are caused due to scalp micro inflammations. They tend to occur more on scalp that is already dry. Hence the link between dry scalp and hair fall.

3. Hair fall from itchy scalp conditions is not always permanent. Hair can grow back once the scalp has been cured of the main problems. However, itchy scalp, when left untreated for a long time, can lead to permanent and long term hair damage. This makes the possibility of hair growth dim.

Reasons For Itchy scalp and Hair Loss:

1. Folliculitis is a condition where the harsh chemicals of shampoos and conditioners damage the root or the follicle of hair strands. This results in whitish pimples that can worsen into red boils. These weaken the roots of hair and result in hair fall.
2. If left untreated for an even longer period, bald patches can develop on the scalp with no visible hair follicles. Tea oil and lavender oil are some of the natural alternatives to antibiotics. The mitigation of the side effects of antibiotics is also an important factor in treating folliculitis.
3. Ringworm of the scalp and psoriasis are two other conditions which lead to hair fall directly. Both conditions are the fallout of dry and itchy scalp conditions which have not been addressed for a long time. In the former condition, fungal infections damage large swathes of hair and leave the area barren for a long time. In the latter condition, dry skin worsens to damage hair follicles.

4. We often misread a dry and itchy scalp. As a result, we often use shampoos and conditioners which make hair even more dry and brittle. Thus, instead of indiscriminately applying hair softening shampoos and conditioners, it is best to consult a dermatologist. This will help you understand the root cause of the dryness, and adopt treatment methods as suggested by the specialist.5. An itchy scalp is known in medical terms as pruritus. It is particularly worse in winter and in rooms with central heating because either of these aggravates the condition. Painful red boils around hair follicles are also a result of an itchy scalp and any long term hair fall can be attributed to these factors.
6. White hair strands and baldness are also attributed to a painfully dry scalp. All of these problems are compounded when the conditions are left untreated for a long time.If you have been experiencing a dry and itchy scalp and not done anything about it, don’t ignore it anymore. Get your scalp checked for any skin condition and ensure that appropriate precautions are taken. Dandruff also compounds the problem. Ensure that the root causes of the hair fall problem are solved.

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