European Women’s Makeup, Beauty And Fitness Secrets Revealed

Looking for the beauty secrets behind European women? You don’t have to travel overseas to find the secrets. You may be surprised to learn that many European women rely on very age-old, natural beauty enhancers that you can find in your own pantry.

Women in Europe take beauty seriously. But, it was their obsession for narrow waists and curves that led women to adopt corset. It is said that in olden times, European women painted their faces with mercury in order to look more beautiful. But not to worry, European beauty secrets which I am going to reveal in this post are not so harsh or tough.
So let’s take a look at what are the European makeup and beauty secrets that make them so gorgeous…

European Beauty and Makeup Secrets:

1. Having a nice sleep of 8-10 hours every night is one of the main reasons behind their supple and beautiful skin. They believe that having a pleasant sleep would throw away all the stress from their mind and provide a fresh look and glow on their face.
2. Cleansing, toning and moisturizing is a part of their daily routine.
3. Water is a natural remedy for glowing and soft skin, and European women know it very well and so, they drink copious quantity of water daily.
4. As these European beauties are very much concerned about their skin care, they also advise of going for a good facial once in a while. A typical European facial has a cleansing routine, peel-off mask, toning and languid face and neck massage. They totally indulge themselves in these 1.5 hours of beauty treatment
5. Aromatherapy is also one of the major beauty secrets of European women. They believe that it is restful, alluring and very detoxifying which helps in resulting into a supple, hydrated and beautiful skin. It also brightens the complexion.

So these were the top beauty and makeup secrets of Europeans. Now I shall reveal some fitness and diet secrets of these elegant ladies too, because when it comes to staying fit and healthy, we know Europeans are also obsessed with that.

European Diet and Fitness Secrets:

1. Europeans moderately consume Probiotic-drinks. It is no doubt the good bacteria for you, which are surely good for your gut, but rarely people know that it have been embraced by Europeans since a very long time back.
2. Spending little time daily in a steam room or going for a sauna bath is part of European’s routine. It helps in keeping them away from all the dirt, pollution and impurities which tend to cause cold and flu.
3. Tea is Europe’s favourite beverage. It has health benefits and Europeans sometimes drink it in place of water. Researchers believe a cup of fresh herbal tea is better than a glass of water. Water helps in hydration, so does the tea. But few people know that tea has flavonoids which help in protecting you against certain cancers and heart disease.
4. Most of the Europeans avoid eating packaged foods. While in other parts of the world, people prefer going for packaged food items instead of whole foods as packaged food is certainly much more convenient, people in Europe prefer whole-foods. Tomatoes with mozzarella with olive oil drizzled on it or fresh pita bread and hummus etc. are some their choice of snacks at the place of eating any nutrition bar or 100-calorie snack-pack.

So these were the top beauty, makeup, fitness and diet secrets of Europeans. They are very simple to follow and you can easily include them in your daily regime too. I am sure they’ll be beneficial for you too.
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