Is Oil Pulling An Effective Remedy For Acne

Is acne making your life tough? Have you been searching for some good treatment for acne? Then there is something you can try – oil pulling.

Wondering how this ancient practice can be of any help when it comes to treating acne? Then you must read this post.

How Does Oil Pulling Work?

Oil pulling is the technique of swishing oil in your mouth to remove toxins. According to experts, the best type of oil to use is cold-pressed organic oils like virgin coconut oil and unrefined sesame oil. You can also use organic olive oil or sunflower oil. The trick is to swish the oil in your mouth for as long as you can – 20 minutes is the recommended time. The longer you do it, the more effective the treatment is.
Oil pulling detoxifies the oral cavity by drawing out the impurities accumulated in it. The treatment prevents the spread of these impurities or toxins to other parts of the body as they are drawn and eliminated right where they enter. When this happens, it ensures that the various organs of the body function optimally.

How Does Oil Pulling Help Treat Acne?

Bacteria and other harmful toxins get pulled out in the oil pulling process, keeping the other parts of your body free from them. This helps immensely in clearing up acne. Acne is believed to be caused partially due to problems with the gut. These problems usually arise because there is an imbalance of bacteria in this part of the body. There are millions of different bacteria, good and bad, in your body, and for you to stay healthy, it is important to make sure that there is a balance between them. This bacterial balance plays a huge role in the overall health of your body and skin.
Since oil pulling removes most of the bacteria from the mouth before they can get to your gut, it results in healthier body and skin. This way, this beneficial practice helps in clearing up your skin and preventing further acne breakouts.
It is also believed that acne can be caused by excessive stress on the organs of the body. For example, if your kidney or liver has to work overtime to get rid of the toxins in your body, it can lead to acne breakouts. Oil pulling eases the stress on these organs as it helps in removing a large portion of toxins before they spread to other parts. This in turn can help in getting rid of acne and making your skin bright and clear.

How To Use Oil Pulling For Acne:

The process of oil pulling is quite simple. All you need is a high-quality cold-pressed organic oil like that of coconut or sesame to swish around your mouth. Here are the steps to oil pulling:
  1. Before you start, cleanse your palate by drinking a glass of water.
  2. Take a tablespoon of coconut or sesame oil (the choice is yours).
  3. Swish it in your mouth for 10 to 20 minutes. Remember, the longer you do it, the better.
  4. When you are done, spit out the oil immediately. It is important not to swallow it as it is now filled with loads of bacteria, toxins and other impurities from your mouth.
  5. Rinse your mouth with warm water and brush your teeth thoroughly.
That is it! It is really very simple. Because of the flavor and texture of the oil, it might take some time to get used to it. Coconut oil is preferred by many people for oil pulling due to its flavor, but it can be hard to swish around the mouth as it solidifies when the temperature is below 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The good news is that you can blend it in the correct proportion with other oils like sunflower and sesame oil to make it easier to use. It will also give you a better detox!

Benefits Of Oil Pulling For Skin:

Oil pulling provides many health benefits, which is why many people are making it a part of their daily routine. Apart from keeping diseases and ailments away, it is known to have many wonderful benefits on skin. How could it not? When your body is free of toxins and is properly cleansed, it can only have nothing but the most amazing effects on the appearance and health of your skin. There have been reports from across the world from people who use oil pulling that it has helped them in significantly treating acne.
Oil pulling boosts the immune system, making it function optimally. This means that your body can fight various health problems including skin conditions. According to experts, this Ayurvedic practice also helps in keeping the skin moisturized, especially when you use coconut oil. This in turn means that the signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles as well as age spots are kept at bay. You also gain skin that glows with health.
As you can see, oil pulling does quite a number of wonders for your skin. By eliminating toxins, bacteria, viruses, etc. from your body, it ensures that every aspect of your health is improved, including your skin. Your body is also relieved of an extra source of stress, which is great because, for many people, stress is one of the main causes of acne breakouts.
The claims of countless people across the world about how oil pulling has helped treat acne cannot be ignored. For some, it has even helped in removing acne marks and other blemishes from their skin. This natural treatment is worth a try as it does not contain any chemicals like anti-acne medications and products and comes with a wide range of other health benefits. If you have an acne problem, you should definitely give oil pulling a shot!
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