Some Nutrition Myths Can Be Dangerous, And These 6 Top The List

When was the last time someone said something about nutrition and you believed it instantly? Or do you remember getting convinced with a super-persuasive TV advertisement or a random online article that spoke about food?

You would have heard this statement a million times already, but the fact that the statement is a myth might be hard to digest.
Why Is It A Myth?
When you skip breakfast and eat nothing till midday, you do something called intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is highly beneficial as it helps you restrict calories, thereby extending your lifespan and enhances your cardiovascular and brain functions
Fasting has also shown to enhance growth hormone secretions in man 
The Research
A research named the ‘Bath Breakfast Project’ involved 33 men and women of normal weight. They were randomly made to have breakfast before 11 a.m., or skip it altogether. Metabolic markers like blood glucose and cholesterol levels were taken into consideration, and the trial was carried out for a period of six weeks.
The findings turned out to be surprising, as there wasn’t any measurable difference noted between the two groups

Well, this does sound logical. Having multiple small meals might promote portion control, while gorging on a few large meals might do otherwise.
But then, research doesn’t agree with it.
Why Is It A Myth?
Eating six small meals a day is no different from eating three large meals, when it comes to fat loss or metabolism . Also, when you consume three large meals, you tend to leave sufficient gap in between them. This triggers a process called autophagy that helps clean the waste out of your cells .
The Research
In one study, a total of 16 obese adults (8 men and 8 women) were divided into two treatment groups. The first group was made to eat six meals a day, while the second had three meals. The study was carried out for 8 weeks, and the results showed no significant difference between the two groups in pertinence to fat loss 

3. Artificial Sweeteners Are Safer Than Sugar:

This should be the most widely propagated myth ever. Be it television commercials or digital media, the air surrounding artificial sweeteners has been no less than rosy.
But in reality, that is not so.
Why Is It A Myth?
The reason people prefer artificial sweeteners to sugar is the less number of calories in them. But saccharin, a constituent of artificial sweeteners can drastically alter the microbes residing in our intestines. This can lead to glucose intolerance, thereby impairing the ability of processing of glucose in some people .
The Research
A study conducted by the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, proved the toxic nature of artificial sweeteners 
Two groups of mice were used in the study. One group was fed with water and natural sugars like sucrose and glucose. The other group was fed with commercial sugar substitutes like saccharin and aspartame.
Within two hours, the latter group of mice showed elevated levels of blood glucose.
In an attempt to study the effects of artificial sweeteners on humans, specific data was collected by 381 non-diabetic individuals. The researchers found that prolonged consumption of artificial sweeteners can result in negative health effects like weight again.

4. Eggs Are Bad For Your Heart:

Egg-lovers, don’t worry, that statement is just a myth! This is one line that has made numerous rounds in the rumor mill.
Why Is It A Myth?
Eggs are found to promote the levels of HDL (high-density lipoprotein), also known as the good cholesterol . Eggs also contain nutrients like protein, riboflavin, folate and vitamins B12 and D that can help lower the risk of heart disease
The Research
A study was conducted that involved 9,734 individuals between the ages of 25 and 74 years. They were divided into three broad groups. The first group consumed no or less than 1 egg a week, the second group took 1 to 6 eggs a week, and the third group was made to have more than 6 eggs a week.
With regard to cardiovascular disease or stroke, no significant difference was observed between any of the three groups. This proves the fact that regular consumption of eggs does not lead to cardiovascular diseases

5. Soy Is Good For You:

There is nothing intelligent advertising cannot do, especially in the case of soy. Soy has been widely propagated as a health food, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The facts lie deeper.
Why Is It A Myth?
It has been recorded that in the year 2013 alone, 93 percent of the soybeans grown in the US were genetically modified And most studies conducted on genetically modified foods indicated the onset of renal, pancreatic, reproductive and other effects with their use 
A study was conducted that involved 34 rats divided into two equal groups. One group was fed with non-genetically modified soybeans while the other group was fed with genetically modified soybeans. It was observed that though the nutritional performances of the rats remained unaltered, the pancreatic functions were badly affected .

6. Low-Fat + High-Carb = Perfect Weight Loss Diet:

This is one formula most obese people live by. But studies show why they shouldn’t.
Why Is It A Myth?
The usual carbohydrates we have, also known as simple carbohydrates have simple chemical structures. Due to this, they are quickly and easily digested, thereby resulting in a faster rise in the blood sugar levels. This can have negative side effects  Hence, an invariably high-carb food can be detrimental to one’s health.
The Research
In a study conducted by Tulane University, New Orleans, 148 obese individuals were randomly assigned either a low-fat or a low-carb diet. No calorie restrictions were imposed on the individuals.
The trial was carried out for a year, and the results were unexpected. The individuals on the low-carb diet lost 7.7 pounds more than those on the low-fat diet. Also, the low-carb group saw an increase in the good HDL cholesterol 
This clearly proves the fact that it is a low-carb diet that is more beneficial for obese people.
The television and the internet say a hundred things in a hundred different ways, but it is up to us to get the facts right, isn’t it? Be aware of the much-propagated nutrition myths and start living a healthy life!

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