Home Remedies For Skin Tag Removal

Stressed and irritated over skin tags and looking for some home remedies for skin tag removal?  Skin tags are also called as acrochordons, frequently occur in people in excess of 60 years. Sometimes they are found in young people as well. They are for the most part safe and painless. Yet they are seen as a disfigurement, and people would like to dispose of them unequivocally!

Skin tags regularly show up as little developments on the exterior of the skin, where the skin generally folds. These usually occur in areas like around the neck, under the armpits, over the eyelids, under the breasts, or the crotch folds. They are for the most part eccentric looking, earthy or skin-hued outgrowths.

A stand out amongst the most well-known reasons of skin tags is heftiness. Hefty people have more skin folds and wrinkles than typical people. Pregnant ladies excessively are powerless to skin tags. This may be the after effect of the hormonal progressions they experience. Diabetic people additionally create skin tags. Utilization of unlawful steroids likewise causes skin tags.


Skin tags are caused due to the accumulation of blood vessels and collagen in the thicker parts of the skin. This is mainly caused due to the rubbing of skin, which mainly occurs in skin folds and creases. Skin tags are mostly caused to people, who suffer from:
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • In pregnant women, due to hormonal changes
  • Human papilloma virus
  • Excess use of steroids
  • Heredity
  • Scratches due to shaving, jewellery and clothing


The symptoms of skin tag are:
  • Small skin outgrowths, which are pink or brownish in colour
  • Irregular in shape
  • Not painful
  • Mostly appear in armpits, neck, and area under breasts, groin, upper chest, and eyelids.

Home Remedies for Removing Skin Tags
Tea Tree Oil. Tea tree oil is one of the best natural methods for skin tag removal at home. ...
Apple Cider Vinegar. This is one of the best home remedies for skin tags on the neck. ...
  • Onion Juice. ...
  • Castor Oil & Baking Soda. ...
  • Pineapple Juice. ...
  • Garlic. ...
  • Nail Polish. ...
  • Aloe Vera.
  • Lemon Juice
  • Banana Peel
  • Duct Tape
  • Tying off Skin Tags
  • Vitamin E Capsule
  • Ginger
  • Fenugreek
  • Vegetable Juices
  • Essential Oils
  • Potato
  • Dandelion Root
  • Aspirin

How to Remove Skin Tags after Identify Skin Tags?

The clever thing is that most people are altogether ignorant that they are existing with these tan or substance shaded, pendulum-like developments. Sometimes skin tags fall off all alone because of erosion and rubbing. The inconvenience emerges when they don’t, and when they develop to an expansive enough size to cause shame or even uneasiness. They look like little mushrooms with their skin stalks. It is vital to cut off the blood supply to these skin tags on the off chance that you want them to kick the bucket and fall off characteristically.

It is generally accepted that skin tags occur all the more after mid-life. They occur in both men and ladies. They are generally packaged of collagen and blood vessels clustered together under layers of skin, and ought to, conceivably,  be removed after they have shown up. The synthesis of weight and age usually prompts an expanded development of skin tags and you have to control your weight to guarantee that your skin stays firm, smooth and sound.

Home Remedies for Skin Tag Removal  

Certain home remedies can help remove skin tags commonly. You can apply a gauze over the area, at whatever point you apply any sort of paste to keep it from falling off. Here is a run-down of home remedies for removing skin tags which you can try.

Lemon Juice for Skin Tag Removal
The citric corrosive in lemon juice removes the dead cells. Dunk a cotton ball in lemon juice and apply it over the tag. Wash it off after sooner or later. Do this 2 or 3 times  a week. In 2-3 weeks, you will notice that the skin tag is gradually decaying.

Castor Oil for Skin Tag Removal
Make a paste by mixing a little castor oil with heating powder. It could be exceptionally sticky. Continue repeating the process for two to four weeks, and you will notice the skin tag vanishing gradually.

Dental Floss for Skin Tag Removal
An alternate easy approach to remove skin tags is by tying a dental floss around the tag. This helps to stop the blood supply to the skin tag. After a short time, you will notice that the tag has obscured, and it will fall off in 2 to 3 weeks.

Garlic for Skin Tag Removal
Garlic is antibacterial and antifungal. Smash some fresh garlic cloves into a paste. Presently, apply it over the skin tag. Wash it off. After a couple of days, the tag will drop off, abandoning smooth skin.

Banana Peel for Skin Tag Removal
Banana peel additionally appears effective to remove skin tag. Simply cut a little divide of the peel. Apply the sinewy piece of the peel on the tag. Repeat the process for a couple of days until the tag falls off.

Aspirin for Skin Tag Removal
Aspirin gets dry the skin. Break down an  aspirin in water to make a paste and apply it over the tag.

Mixed Vegetables for Skin Tag Removal
Mix the juices of potato, cauliflower and garlic and apply it to the tag. Repeat till the tag disappears.

Nail Polish for Skin Tag Removal
Apply nail paint over the area. Leave for quite a while and after that remove it. Repeat the process 3 times a day for a couple of days, until you see obvious results.

Pineapple Juice for Skin Tag Removal
Pineapple juice is additionally known to chip away at moles and warts. Simply apply a little fresh pineapple juice on the skin tag. Repeat for a couple of days until your skin tag gets to be undetectable.

Onion Juice for Skin Tag Removal
Splash a couple of bits of onion and salt overnight. Apply the concentrated juice over the area. This will remove the skin tags inside a week. This is additionally thought to be the best skin tag removal home remedy.

Anal Skin Tag Removal Ways
Anal skin tags or perianal skin tags is nothing, but skin tags around the anus. Anal skin tags are not painful, though it may be slightly itchy. Skin tags on anus can only be treated with the help of a doctor, but first it should be confirmed that it is a skin tag, and not a tag caused due to haemorrhoid.

It is difficult to remove anal skin tags using natural home remedies. It is not recommended to even try the cutting method because the area around the anus has more blood circulation. Therefore, it may become difficult to stop the bleeding from the anal area if cutting method is used.

So, anal skin tags can be safely removed with the help of a doctor. The doctor will freeze the tag by liquid nitrogen, leading it to dry and ultimately fall off from the skin.  This method is also used for haemorrhoid skin tag removal as well as for rectal skin tags.

Skin Tag Removal Products

Several skin tag removal creams are also available in the market. If applied topically, these skin tag ointments are effective in removing the skin tags from the skin. One such skin tag removal product is DermaTend Mole & Skin Tag Remover, which is 100% safe as it is made up of natural herbs.

Apart from these, other types of natural skin tag remover are ‘Tag Away Skin Tag Remover’ and ‘Skinhale Skin Tag Remover’.

Homeopathic Remedies for Skin Tags

Homeopathy is one of the most effective ways to get rid of unwanted skin tags. The most reliable homeopathic medicines are:

1. Thuja : This remedy is helpful in treating skin tags, especially on genitals and anus.

2. Causticum : This is especially effective for removing skin tags on hands, eyelids and face. It is usually useful in treating skin tags that bleed.

3. Antim Crudum : This is especially used in treating hard skin tags, which mostly occur on hands and soles of the feet.
Other homeopathic remedies include Cinnabaris, Staphysagria and Dulcamara.

How to prevent skin tags?
Cut down the intake of excess sugar.
Decrease the intake of fat made from animal oils.
Have a balanced diet comprising of fruits and vegetables.
Improve your digestion.

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